Standing Surgery


We offer everything from wound stitch-ups and castrations to eye removal and sinus surgery. Castrations can be done both standing or under general anaesthesia in the case of small ponies. All procedures can be done on a clean yard with a stable and full aftercare and follow up is offered as standard.
Hoof surgery is also available using a high-speed dremel and sterile hoof knives to remove necrotic material , keratomas and to deal with deep hoof cracks and fissures.

Wounds and Castrations

We stock a variety of suture materials and dressings to cope with almost every eventuality and can repair the gash on the leg to the delicate torn eyelid. Every procedure is different and we will tailor our approach to the individual.
Castrations are normally performed standing, although for very small ponies it is preferable to do this under GA to fully visualise the area and maintain cleanliness throughout. Full aftercare and advice is provided as standard.

Head Surgery

Everything from eye enucleation and sinus trephination through to oral dental extractions and surgical incisor extractions can be performed at your yard. Cases such as recurrent and intractable uveitis or glaucoma may become so painful as to warrant eye removal and we are happy to accept referrals from other practices for this procedure.
Sinus surgery may be required in the case of a persistent infection. Recent attendance at a BEVA Sinus Surgery course means that we are fully conversant with up-to-date techniques.

Hoof Surgery

Hoof surgery may be necessary in cases of persistent infection in the foot such as osteomyelitis, which often presents as an abscess that recurs and fails to resolve fully. It may also be warranted where there is a benign horny growth called a keratoma, which can be removed in several ways. Deep cracks can trap soft tissues causing pain and may also benefit from sterile debriding. We are happy to accept referrals from your farrier.
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